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META-Analysis Workshop in May 2021 is Virtual and FREE

19th April 2021

Within the AQUACOSM-plus Workpackage 6 on Defining Grand Challenges in aquatic mesocosm research, Helmut Hillebrand (University of Oldenburg) and Silke Langenheder (Uppsala University) offer a Meta-Analysis Workshop in May 2021.

The aim of the workshop is
i) to provide an overview on quantitative synthesis methods including systematic reviews and meta-analyses, and
ii) to develop a theme for a joint analysis of experiments run in the consortium.

The course runs in a flipped classroom format in three parts. 

1) After registration, you will receive a link to an online course that needs to be fully completed before May 12th. The course consists of four video sessions and explicit exercises in R.
2) In a classroom session on May 12th (2 pm CET, max 2 hrs) you can ask questions on the online part. 

Afterwards, potential topics for a meta-analysis within AQUACOSM-plus will be discussed and a division of labor will be planned.
3) The third part (the actual meta-analysis) will be conducted according to this plan after May 12th.

For participation please,

register here until APRIL 20th.

Virtual Event


Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. - Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei
Müggelseedamm 301 and 310
12587 Berlin, Germany