
Transnational Access

Metadata & Data

Papers & Reports

Knowledge Base

Governance structure

Management tasks

Selection of users for Transnational Access

Large publicity will be given to the opportunity to use the unique AQUACOSM-plus network of mesocosm facilities for research projects (TA) via various channels as the AQUACOSM-webpage, electronic newsletters, announcements at conferences, mailing lists of international programmes. User applicants will be proposed to submit electronically proposals related to accessing one or several AQUACOSM-plus facilities, through the Transnational Mesocosm Portal. The User Selection Panel will select the best applicants on the basis of the criteria listed in WP9, primarily focusing on scientific and innovation quality of the proposed research projects, and to prioritize access to users that do not have access to corresponding mesocosms in their own countries. Selection procedures will take place twice a year. All users will be invited to publish a summary of their projects at the Transnational Mesocosm Portal (WP4) and to give visibility to the AQUACOSM-plus project and TA mechanism. They will also be encouraged to join the final project symposium and share their experience and results (WP1). It is also foreseen that users with research projects that give insight into new techniques related to the use of mesocosm facilities will be invited to give a talk at summer schools or workshops (WP3).

Internal communication, network integration, meetings and reporting

The communication strategy adopted in the project aims at keeping all partners fully informed about the status of the different activities. The Project Office is also responsible for the organisation of meetings and workshops and the activities of the User Selection Panel.

Table 3.1 relevant meetings to take place during the course of the project

Persons / Bodies

Meeting frequency

General Assembly

All partners, STAB, USP & Stakeholders, as appropriate

Once a year


Steering Committee

As needed, ca. 2 times per year, of which one is at GA


Running contact, Physical meeting at each GA

WP meetings

As needed, continuously by web/phone/email depending on timing

of specific Tasks. All WPs meet physical at the GA.

Project Office team

Normally daily/weekly in IGB-office, or by web/phone/email

Knowledge Management and Consortium Agreement

A Consortium Agreement will be signed by all partners that will regulate the handling of intellectual property rights (IPR) and make the basis for the development of an exploitation plan for the results obtained in the project (see also WP4). It will also cover the decision-making structure and the obligations of partners and bodies. Any amendment of the Consortium Agreement has to be accepted by the General Assembly. All beneficiaries must ensure that all their participants adhere to the Consortium Agreement.

Governance-1 (1).png

Graphic presentation of AQUACOSM-plus’ management structure.

Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. - Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei
Müggelseedamm 301 and 310
12587 Berlin, Germany